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  • CDC: Masks are a powerful weapon against COVID-19 CDC: Masks are a powerful weapon against COVID-19
    Aug. 12, 2020 - A sure sign of the COVID pandemic is the ubiquitous presence of masks. The cloth protectors can be seen hanging from rear view mirrors in cars, folded up in pockets and purses, and of course, looped around ears. The CDC has guidance on how to properly wear and clean masks.
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  • Ford and the Motor City look to the future Ford and the Motor City look to the future
    July 30, 2020 - Henry Ford was the founder of the Ford Motor Company who put the world on wheels in the early years of the 20th century. He was born on this day in 1863. That's not a typo. Henry Ford was born less than one month after the Battle of Gettysburg during the Civil War. Bill Ford, his great-grandson, is currently the executive chairman of the Ford Motor Company.
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*SNN Stories with less than 1000 words.

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  • CDC: Masks are a powerful weapon against COVID-19 CDC: Masks are a powerful weapon against COVID-19
    Aug. 12, 2020 - A sure sign of the COVID pandemic is the ubiquitous presence of masks. The cloth protectors can be seen in many places. Masks are seen hanging from rear view mirrors in cars, folded up in pockets and purses, and of course, looped around ears. The CDC has guidance on how to properly wear and clean masks.
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  • Ford and the Motor City look to the future Ford and the Motor City look to the future
    July 30, 2020 - Henry Ford was the founder of the Ford Motor Company. He put the world on wheels in the early years of the 20th century. He was born on this day in 1863. That's not a typo. Henry Ford was born less than one month after the Battle of Gettysburg during the Civil War. Bill Ford is Henry's great-grandson. He is currently the executive chairman of the Ford Motor Company.
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* SNN Stories with less than 800 words.

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