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Falcon Cam Falcon Cam of peregrine falcons in the clock tower of the Wood County Courthouse in Bowling Green, Ohio; The mascot for Bowling Green State University is the peregrine falcon. |
Families of Flight 93 Families of Flight 93 - relatives of 40 passengers/crew killed on Sept. 11, 2001 on the fourth hijacked airplane that crashed in Pennsylvania |
FDR Presidential Library and Museum FDR Presidential Library and Museum, the official library and museum of President Franklin D, Roosevelt (1882-1945) located in Hyde Park, New York |
Find a national forest The U.S. Forest Service, part of the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture (USDA), has 153 national forests that it protects and preserves. Find one here! |
Fire Administration U.S. Fire Administration (within FEMA - Federal Emergency Management Agency) |
Fire Prevention Week Fire Prevention Week sponsored by the National Fire Protection Association, NFPA |
Fish Count The Great Annual Fish Count by the Reef Environmental Education Foundation |
Flag House The Star-Spangled Banner Flag House in Baltimore where the flag was sewn that inspired the national anthem |
Flanders Fields poem Biography of Lt. Col. John McCrae, surgeon and poet who wrote the In Flanders Fields poem in 1915 from the battlefields in Belgium (Bio by Veterans Affairs Canada) |
Florida My Florida state government portal |
Flyways State links to flyways, the four patterns of spring migration: Atlantic, Pacific, Central, and Mississippi Flyways |
Food Safety Food Safety, a site by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) |
Ford, Gerald R. Educator resources about President Gerald R. Ford, the 38th president, by National Geographic and the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Foundation |
Future City Future City - a national competition for middle school students to imagine and design future cities, associated with Engineering Week |
Practice your writing skills by summarizing the information contained in the story at the left. What is the main point of the story? What are the key findings? Why is the story an important one? What are its implications? When finished, you can print or email or save your document to Google Drive. |