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Safety Council National Safety Council with the sole mission of promoting safety; based in Itasca, Illinois |
Science Friday Science Friday by the Science Friday Initiative; radio program aired by many NPR stations |
Shackleton Centenary Shackleton Centenary - descendants of Ernest Shackleton retrace his 1908-1909 expedition to Antarctica |
Silk Road The Silk Road, a trade route dating back to ancient Asia and the Roman Empire; information from UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific, Cultural Organization) |
Simon Wiesenthal biography of Simon Wiesenthal, Holocaust survivor who spent the rest of his life bringing Nazi war criminals to justice |
Sluth Carolina official website of the state of South Carolina; Columbia (capital) |
Smithsonian Learning Lab Smithsonian Learning Lab, an online digital resource with more than one million artifacts from their vast collections |
Snow Crystals website by Kenneth Libbrecht, professor of Physics at Caltech |
Solar Decathlon Solar Decathlon - college competition sponsored by the U.S. Dept. of Energy |
Space Needle Seattle's Space Needle, built for the 1962 World's Fair |
SpaceX SpaceX, a private contractor to NASA to advance America's goals for space exploration |
Spirit of '45 Spirit of '45 - keeping the history of World War II alive |
Sputnik Sputnik, the first satellite to orbit the Earth; developed and launched by the Soviet Union in 1957 |
Spy Museum International Spy Museum in Washington D.C. |
State Parks Click "Find A Park" on the home page for a list and link to all state parks in your state |
Stephen Hawking Stephen Hawking, theoretical physicist who was international known for his work studying the cosmos |
Sun by NASA excellent illustration and explannation of the sun's layers by NASA |
Practice your writing skills by summarizing the information contained in the story at the left. What is the main point of the story? What are the key findings? Why is the story an important one? What are its implications? When finished, you can print or email or save your document to Google Drive. |